CS 471 - Computer Communications I: Systems Analysis


A Distance Learning Production


Prof. Douglas Lyon

Complete list of URLs with Power-Point Slides and Sample Quizes

Grading for CPE 471

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Catalog Data:
Introduction to communication systems; Response-time requirements and control of user errors. Different types of modulation and multiplexing. ATM, SONET, Telephone modems, wireless modems, basic software considerations and developments in data transmission software. Design computation; basic statistics and queuing analysis. Analysis of imperfections; noise and distortion, line failures, data errors, delays and blocking, treatment of errors
Prerequisites: CS 102, CpE 210.

Computer Networks By Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall, Third Edition, (c)1996.

Coordinator: Professor D. Lyon of Computer Engineering.

To introduce principles of computer communication systems with sufficient breadth and depth to allow analysis of transmission, interfacing, error detection, link control, network control, routing, and multiplexing techniques in networks.

A double-sided print-out of the course-notes is available, with 3-holes punched. It is 117 pages and costs $11.00

Homework Grading Policy

HW1: 2.2,2.3,2.4, 2.5

HW2: 2.7,2.12,2.17, 2.18, 2.22

HW3: 2.24,2.35,2.38, 2.39

Midterm TBA

HW4: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3,3.5, 3.6,3.7

HW 5: 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.13,3.22

For a CRC review click here.

HW6: 3.25, 4.1,4.3,4.6

Final: TBA


To get RFC's click here

Communication Networks Intro Topics:

Week 1 - History, architectural overview and design issues in computer communications. CH 1.

Week 2 - Theoretical basis for data communications, bandwidth-limits, Data transmission, signal parameters, media, attenuation, delay. Fourier Analysis. Fiber optics. CH 2.1, 2.2. Due problems 2.2,2.3,2.4,2.17,2.35,2.38. Due by week 3.

Week 3 - Data Encoding, modulation techniques. Information theory. FM, AM, PM, sampling theorem, coding, Modems, RS-232 interfacing, serial standards, Chapter 2.3.

Week 4,5 - Digital transmission PCM encoding systems, X.21, AX.21, CH 2.4. Parity check codes...check sums and generator polynomials.

Week 6 - Transmission and switching, FDM, TDM, STDM. Multiplexing, ISDN CH 2.5, 2.6

Week 7 - Coding and interface standards, error detection and interfacing.

Week 8, 9 - Data link control; control of retransmission, HDLC protocol

Week 10 - Introduction to Queueing Theory, M/M/1, networks of M/M/1, queues, simulating queueing systems, applications of queueing. CH: Appendix A of old edition (second edition) which is on reserve in the library.

Week 11 - Circuit switching, virtual circuits, packet switching and datagram packet switching. ATM, data kit.

Week 12 - Circuit Switching, PBX, Network control, routing algorithms for point-top-point networks.

Week 13 - Packet Switching, virtual circuits and datagrams. Routing Algorithms. Hardware networks.

Week 14 - Radio and satellite networks: Explores design and performance issues for antenna-based communication nets. Wireless packet radio systems

Week 15 - LANs, examine CSMA/CD, various topologies, alternative mediums and access control techniques.

Computer Usage: Students must do a term project either building networking hardware or writing software. Students may also choose this subject for senior project, CpE 349, to pursue this topic in more detail.

Estimated ABET category content as estimated by faculty member who prepared this course description.

Engineering Science: 3 credits



Prepared by: Douglas Lyon