Homework grading polcy for CPE 471
1. We deduct 10 points per day late, up to a maximum of 10 days. A
zero is assigned thereafter.
2. If the homework involves programming grading is as follows:
Rough guidelines for graders:
- 100 - Working program, listed, as required, with output,
printed and a floppy.
- 90 - Missing printout, but working program
- 80 - For missing floppy.
- 80 - for non-working program
- 70 - for program does not compile
- 30 - for students that hand in a blank disk (i.e., they try to
fool the professor).
- 0 - if nothing handed in.
- The below is for academic dishonesty....
- -10 (i.e., going negative) for badly copied programs
- -50 for identically copied programs
- -100 for programs copied without the knowledge of the person
from which you copied.