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[2] Paul Wieland and Hans J. Tiziani, "Computer synchronized 3-D Triangulation sensor for robot vision," Conference on Optics, Illumination and Image Sensing, SPIE Proceedings Vol. 1822, pp. 168-74 (1992).
Marc Rioux, "Laser range finder based on synchronized scanners," Applied Optics, Nov. 1, Vol. 23, No. 21, pp. 3837-44 (1984).
[3]Jenkins and White, Fundamentals of Optics, (McGraw Hill, New York, 1950), p. 327.
[4] Tom DeWitt, "Novel methods for the acquisition and display of three-dimensional surfaces," Optical and Digital Pattern Recognition, SPIE Conference Proceedings, Vol. 754, pp. 55-63. (1987).
[5] Equation (3) was first published in reference [4]. Equation (6) was first published by Tom DeWitt in "A Guide to 3-D Surface Acquisition," Proceedings of SCAN 90 (Symposium of the Computers in the Arts Network, University of the Arts, Phila., PA, Nov., pp. 40-46 (1990).
[6] Thomas DeWitt, Range Finding by Diffraction, U.S. Patent 4,678,324, Jul. 7 (1987).
Thomas DeWitt, Range Finding by Diffraction, European Patent, 0,343,158 B1, May 25 (1994).
[7]InterScience, Inc., J. Woo (Principal Investigator), "Near Field Ranging for Robotic Vision Applications", NSF SBIR Final Report, Grant No. ISI-8761135.
[8]Henry Stark, "The field produced by a grating in the Fresnel zone of a point source," commissioned report to Raytel , Inc., 1985 (Note: This unpublished document became the basis of the InterScience, Inc. NSF SBIR Report.7 Stark's consultancy had been solicited by Thomas DeWitt who was then at Raytel.).
[9] Julie Parker, "Sketch for a possible probe design," (private communication with Thomas DeWitt, Box 83, Ancramdale, NY, 12503, Dec. 1, 1993).
10 Rudolf Kingslake, Optics in Photography, SPIE, pp. 35-7 (1992).
[11] Steven J. Gordon, "Real-time 3D range sensor," Conference on Industrial Applications of Optical Inspection, Metrology and Sensing, SPIE Vol. 1821, p. 312 (1992).