SW509 - Internet Programming (Java)

1999 Catalog Data:

Object oriented programming, using Java, Packages, Interfaces, Multi-threading, Classes, Inheritance, Exceptions, Interfaces, AWT, Applets, new API’s.

Pre-requisites The student should have significant programming experience in at least one third generation (procedural) language. Experience in the C language is not assumed, but helpful. Experience in object-oriented programming is not assumed, but very helpful. Access to a Java development environment will be necessary to complete all exercises. Basic knowledge of networking and operating system design will be assumed.
Textbooks Java How To Program Ed. 3 , H. Deitel, Prentice Hall , ISBN: 0130125075
the Book store has this book
Course Notes: Available at http://www.DocJava.com
When: Tuesday, 6:30-8:30 pm,
Where: McAuliffe Hall, Room 204
Who: Prof. Lyon
Phone TBA
E-mail: NOSPAMlyon@DocJava.com

Remove the NOSPAM prefix when sending me e-mail.

Web: http://www.DocJava.com
Office Hours : M,TU 5:00-6:30,or by Appt.
Computer Usage:
Web and e-mail access are REQUIRED. You MUST have access to a computer with a Java compiler. Metrowerks CodeWarrior is strongly suggested. I hope to get this in the bookstore soon.
The Java Class Libraries by Chan and Lee, Addison Wesley (c) 1997. See http://www.docjava.com for ordering this and other books.
Java Source Book by Ed Anuff, The John Wiley and Sons, Inc., First Edition, (c)1996.
Course Notes, as required, available on-line at http://www.docjava.com or by purchase of copies.
The Java Programming Language, Second Edition, by Ken Arnold and James Gosling, Publisher: Addison-Wesley, ISBN: 0-201-31006-6
Java 1.1 Unleashed, by Morrison, ISBN 1575213613
Core Java 2 Volume 1:Fundamentals by Cay Horstmann,Gary Cornell, ISBN: 0130819336
Java 1.2 Developer's Handbook by Philip Heller Simon Roberts, ISBN: 0782121799
Digital Signal Processing Recipes in Java by D. Lyon and H. Rao, M&T Books, (c) 1998.
Image Processing in Jav a by D. Lyon (c) 1999.

To learn how to design large-scale software systems using Java. Object orientation and packaging are stressed. Testing and coding of several projects, with a variety of modern techniques.
Douglas Lyon, Professor of Computer and Software Engineering. E-mail: lyon@docjava.com

Prerequisites by Topic:
1. C programming experience
2. C++ or some other object oriented language exposure will be helpful
3. Use of computer tools, including e-mail, browsers and compilation tools.
4. Data structures, priority queues, hashing etc.

1 The HTML and Java Model .
2 Java Basics
3 Java code basics, data types and flow of control
4 Comparing Java to ANSI C
5 Objects and Classes, Methods, Members, Inheritance and Encapsulation
6 The Java Standard Library
7. Interface Methods, Interface Class Types and Interface Subclassing
8 Packages, project orgainization.
9 Exceptions, throw, try, and catch
10 Multi-threading, Synchronization and Concurrency
11 Abstract Window Toolkit
12 Servlets
13 CGI Programming
14 RMI

Students must do several major homework assignments.
Grading Policy:
Homework 33.33%
Midterm 33.33%
Final 33.33%
total 100%
Assignments will be due at the beginning of class. Assignments handed in after the beginning of class will loose 5 points. Assignments handed in after the end of class will lose 10 points. Late homeworks lose 10 points per day late, weeks ends and holidays included. Missed tests result in a zero unless a written excuse is presented.
More details are available about the class at: http://www.docjava.com

Homework 1
This homework consists of several parts.

Part 1: Join the list!

This course is to be conducted in a partly on-line manner. Plan to spend a little time each day getting your e-mail. All students are required to have e-mail access and to join the class list.
To join the class list:
Point your web browser to: Join the Java List
Then subscribe yourself...also add yourself to the notification list

Part 2: Get JAVA!!

Strongly Suggested: Metrowerks CodeWarrior Price $109.95 Phone 800-377-5416
The URL is http://www.metrowerks.com/
CodeWarrior Academic Pro For Windows 95,98,NT

CodeWarrior Academic Pro presents an outstanding value for students, faculty and
academic institutions alike: industrial-strength MacTM-hosted development tools at an
affordable price for academia. CodeWarrior Academic Pro is a complete solution for
development of Macintosh®, Power Macintosh, Windows® 95, Windows NTTM, Magic
CapTM and PowerTVTM non-commercial software and shareware. It includes full support
for C/C++, Object Pascal and JavaTM, all from one award-winning Integrated Development
Environment (IDE). With CodeWarrior Academic Pro you also get a multitude of online
books and references (over 5,000 pages) and Apple® Guide files for easy navigation
through tutorials and examples. Plus, you receive 2 free updates and world-class technical
support for a year when you register. Proof of academic affiliation is required for purchase.

Languages supported

C for all platforms
C++ for all platforms except for Magic Cap
Object Pascal for MacOS

Operating Systems Supported

Mac OS - 68k, Power PC
Windows 95 - x86, Pentium®
Windows NT - x86, Pentium
Magic Cap - 68349

Processor Families Supported

Motorola® 680x0
PowerPC 601, 603, 604
Intel® x86, Pentium
MIPS® R3000, R4200, R4600
Java Virtual Machine


Sun Java compilers - available in the applet viewer, and as an integrated plug-in in the IDE,
now including a developer release of the Metrowerks Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler.
C Compiler - NIST Certified ANSI C with MPW® extensions
C++ Compiler - closely tracks the emerging ANSI/ISO C++ standard
Pascal Compiler - NIST Certified ANS Pascal with MPW Pascal 3.4.1 compatible extensions

Part 3. Buy the book

The course text-book is required for this class. Please do not consider sharing the book. You may either buy a copy from the bookstore, or from my web page at http://www.docjava.com/.

Part 4. Read the book!

Please read chapter 1. It is only 34 pages....and introduces you to the basics of Java.

Part 5. Build your home page!

Every student should be able to construct a home page....Here is some sample HTML source:
<!--This file created 1/27/98 10:17 AM by Claris Home Page version 2.0-->
<TITLE>your name homepage</TITLE>
<I><FONT SIZE="+4"></FONT></I>
<P><I><FONT SIZE="+4">Put Your Name Here</FONT></I></P>

<P><B><FONT COLOR="#330033">I N T R O D U C T I O N</FONT></B></P>

<P>Here, you can put information about yourself and introduce the
contents of your page.</P>

<P><B><FONT COLOR="#330033">H O B B I E S + I N T E R E S T

<P>Here, put text about your hobbies or interests. Possibly some
great facts about yourself or your hobbies and interests.</P>


<LI>Include a list to your favorite sites!

<LI><A HREF="http://www.docjava.com">Prof Lyons Home Page</A>

<P>Send me <A HREF="mailto:userName@host">mail</A></P>
The above source will produce an output like the one below:
Put Your Name Here


Here, you can put information about yourself and introduce the contents of your page.

H O B B I E S + I N T E R E S T S

Here, put text about your hobbies or interests. Possibly some great facts about yourself or your hobbies and interests.


Include a list to your favorite sites!
Prof Lyons Home Page

Send me mail