Syllabus for
SW 408 – Visual Programming with Java, V1.0

School of Engineering Graduate Course Catalog 2000-2001 : An introduction to Java programming for experienced programmers. Object-oriented programming, using Java, Packages, Multi-threading, Classes, Inheritance, Exceptions, Interfaces, and the Abstract Window Toolkit. The HTML and Java Model, Java Basics, Java code basics, data types, and flow of control. (Prerequisite: Significant programming experience or CS 132)
Note: This course may be substituted for SW 403 in order to meet the requirements for core courses.

Textbook: Java, Java, Java – Object-Oriented Problem Solving , Ralph Morelli, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-011332-8.
Computer Usage: Students MUST have access to a computer with a Java compiler. Metrowerks CodeWarrior Academic Pro for Windows 95, 98, NT is strongly suggested and will be used in class. E-mail access is required.
Course Notes: Handouts /diskettes/e-mail
When: Fall Semester, Monday, 6:30- 9:20, Thursday, 6:30-9:20, Saturday 9AM – 12PM
Where: Bannow Science Center, Room 257
Who: Mr. Marquis (Saturday) Dr. D. Lyon (Monday and Thursday)

Phone: (203)641-6293
Fax: (203)877-4187
E- mail:,
Office Hours:
Monday, Wednesday or Thursday; 6 pm - 6:30 pm in class room (Dr. Lyon)
Monday, Wednesday or Thursday; 5 pm - 6:00 pm in Mc108 (Dr. Lyon)
Or by appointment (Dr. Lyon).
Saturday, 8:30 – 9:00 AM in classroom (Mr. Marquis)
Part 1: Join the list!

This course is to be conducted in a partly on-line manner. Plan to spend a little time each day getting your e-mail. All students are required to have e-mail access and to join the class list.

To join the class list:

Point your web browser to:

Then subscribe yourself...also add yourself to the notification list

Course Learning Goals: 1 – To teach how to write computer code in Java.
2 – To provide the means to leverage object-oriented programming.
3 - To prepare the student for advanced courses in Java.

Student Activities: Learning a new computer language is very much a hands-on activity, which cannot be learned from lectures or textbook reading alone. It does require those lectures and textbooks, but the real learning results from the laboratory trials and the homework assignments. To achieve the course objectives, the student must have good class attendance and participation, conduct the computer programming tasks during the laboratory periods as well as the assigned homework. Homework assignments and laboratory trials are due at the beginning of the class following the assignments. They are to be placed in an envelope containing the student’s name. The contents of the envelope will be a diskette and a paper copy of the requested Java source code.

Course Requirements: The schedule of activities and topics to be covered each week are outlined below. Each week will begin with responses to questions and a brief review on the previous week’s topics. The first week will begin with administrative announcements and a review of this syllabus.

Week 1 - Introduction to Java and Object-Oriented Programming
1 - Java Introduction including the Java & HTML Models
2 - O-O Design including Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Objects, Classes, and Class Hierarchy.
3 - Java Syntax and syntax example
4 - Java Packages, Application structure, Class structure, and Method structure.
5 - O-O Example showing encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, modularity, and extendibility. (And using syntax, application structure, class structure, and method structure).

Goals: To define the characteristics of O-O design and show an O-O example the first day. To provide an understanding of class hierarchy. To introduce those portions of Java Basics necessary to show the O-O example.
Outcome: The student will be able to understand and write simple Java programs, which illustrate the concepts of O-O design. Outcome:

Students can write and run hello world.


Students can set up a small class hierarchy, with mammals,

humans, students and professors.


Students can display a class hierarchy graphically using the

code warrior IDE.

Week 2 - Java Basics
These are topics having equivalents in other languages and should be familiar to the students. They will be introduced in this week. Some will be covered in greater detail later in the course.

1 - Reserved Words, Case Sensitivity
2 - Primitive Data Types (a word on Class String)
3 - Operators
4 - Control Structures
5 - Methods (structure, overloading, special methods: main and constructor)

Goals: To introduce basic elements of the Java language, which permit the development of algorithms within a program. To understand the use of methods and the passing of variables.
Outcome: The student will be able to introduce modularity into his Java program by the use of methods. He or she will also be able to introduce mathematical relationships and selection criterion.

Weeks 3, 4, 5 - Important Java Concepts
1 - Modifier Visibility, Class Scope
2 - Modifier Abstract (Classes & Methods)
3 - Interfaces (Implementing in classes and extending other interfaces, more inheritance & polymorphism).
4 - Inner Classes (and again class scope)
5 – Reserved Word “this”
6 - Modifier Static (variables and methods)

Goals: To provide the student with the Java concepts that give object-oriented programming its modularity and extendibility benefits.
Outcome: The student will be able to control the scope of a variable or method. He will be able to use the concept of Abstract Methods and Interfaces to amplify and further demonstrate O-O inheritance and polymorphism.

Week 6 - Primitive Data Types and Wrapper Classes
Arrays and Vectors

1 – More information on Primitive Data Types
2 – Methods in their Wrapper Classes, pp. 100-104,
3 - Casting, pp. 275
4 – Arrays – their construction, passing variables, pp. 407-67
5 – Vector Class and its methods, pp. 446-447

Goals: To provide the student with the means to manipulate data within his or her program, converting from one data type to another. To also provide the student with a means of grouping the data into the containers, arrays and vectors.
Outcome: The student will be able to write Java programs containing large amounts of data in an efficient manner. He will also be able to increase and demonstrate the efficiency, in terms of lines-of-code, of O-O programming using the containers.

Week 7 - Strings and Processing
1 – String Class
2 – String constructors
3 – String methods
4 – StringBufferClass
5 – StringTokenizerClass

Goals: To provide the student with the means to work with text-type data in Java programs.
Outcome: The student will be able to create, read, and parse text using Java programs.

Week 8 – Graphical User Interface Components and Listeners
1 – GUI Components: Frames, Labels, Buttons, List, CheckBox, RadioButton, ComboBox, Menu
2 – Event Listeners: WindowListener, ActionListener, ItemListener, ListSelectionListener, ChangeListener, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, and KeyListener

Goals: To give the student the components necessary to create computer screen displays and to respond to events occurring on the screen.
Outcome: The student will be able to place GUI components onto a computer screen and to respond to events such as a mouse click or the push of a button.

Week 9 – Midterm Exam

Week 10 – Review Midterm Exam and GUI Container Layouts
1 – Container Layouts: FlowLayout, BorderLayout, GridLayout, BoxLayout, CardLayout, and GridBagLayout
2 – Layouts using CodeWarrior

Goals: To provide the means of arranging and manipulating GUI components in desired patterns on the computer screen.
Outcome: The student will be able to design functional and aesthetic displays on the computer screen using Java classes and using CodeWarrior.

Week 11 - Graphics and Drawings
1 – Color control
2 – Font control
3 – Drawings: Lines, Rectangles, Ovals, Arcs, Polygons, PolyLines

Goals: To provide the means to control color and font characteristics on the screen display and to draw basic geometric shapes.
Outcome: The student will be able to add color to the screen display, to control the type and size of text characters, and to draw shapes on the screen.

Week 12 - Exceptions
1 – The try block
2 – throw and throws
3 – The catch block
4 – The finally block

Goals: To expose and explain Java exception handling to the students.
Outcome: The student will be able to create exception handling in Java programs, and he or she will be able to respond to requests for exception handling when using someone else’s code.

Week 13 - File I\O, input & output streams
1 – Class hierarchy of
2 – Input Stream, OutputStream
3 – Reader, Writer, OutputStreamWriter
4 – Class File

Goals: To teach the student the techniques used in Java to transfer data to and from computer files.
Outcome: The student will be able to create files and read from computer files using Java. In particular, he or she will be able to create or read from files in the ASCI text format.

Week 14 - Multi-threading
1 – Class Thread
2 – Priorities and Scheduling
3 - Synchronization
4 – Runnable Interface

Goals: To expose the student to concurrent programming and give him the tools to design multithreaded programs.
Outcome: The student will be able to use the Thread class and Runnable interface to design, write, and synchronize multithreaded Java programs.

Week 15 – Final Exam

Morelli Chapter 12, Recursive Problem Solving and Chapter16, Data Structures, are not peculiar to Java and will only be covered as time permits. Some of the Data Structures, Arrays and Vectors, are covered in Week 6. Morelli Chapter 4, Applets, is not essential in a fundamental course and will not be covered. Chapter 15, Sockets and Networking, will not be covered in this course, and is relegated to an advanced course.

Additional References:
1 – Sun’s Application Programming Interface, available in CodeWarrior.
2 – Java How to Program , Deitel & Deitel, Prentice Hall, Third Edition, 1999.
3 – The Java Class Libraries , Chan and Lee, Addison Wesley (c) 1997.
4 – Java Source Book , Ed Anuff, The John Wiley and Sons, Inc., First Edition, 1996.
5 – The Java Programming Language , K. Arnold & J. Gosling, Addison Wesley, Second Edition.

Grading Policy:
Homework and Laboratory Trials: 1/3
Midterm Exam : 1/3
Final Exam : 1/3
Assignments are due at the beginning of class. Assignments handed in during class lose 5 points, after class 10 points. Late submittals lose 10 points per day including weekends and holidays. Missing a test results in a zero unless a written excuse is presented.

Mapping: Syllabus to Textbook


Week No. Topic Morelli Pages

Week 1 Introduction to Java and Object-Oriented Programming

1 Java Intro

2 O-O Design, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism,Objects,Classes, Class Hierarchy 7-10, 58,60

3 Java Syntax 23, 34

4 Java Packages, Application Structure, Class Structure, Method Structure 22-24, 61,63,69,70,74

5 O-O Example


Week 2 Java Basics

1 Reserved Words(Keywords), Case Sensitivity 25,94

2 Primitive Data Types 94

3 Operators 232-240

4 Control Structures 137-145, 286-302

5 Methods 118-136


Weeks 3,4,5 Important Java Concepts

1 Modifier Visibility, Class Scope 69,71,72,75

2 Modifier Abstract (Classes and methods) 205211

3 Interfaces 178179

4 Inner Classes 486-488

5 Reserved Word "this" 186211

Week 6 Primitive Data Types and Wrapper Classes

Arrays and Vectors

1 More information on Primitive Data Types 80,81,94-96

2 Methods in their Wrapper Classes 97-104

3 Casting 259260275

4 Arrays 407-467

5 Vector Class 446-447


Week 7 Strings and Processing 345

1 String Class

2 String Constuctors

3 String methods

4 StringBufferClass

5 StringTokenizerClass


Week 8 Graphical User Interface Components and Listeners 470

1 GUI Components

2 Event Listeners


Week 10 GUI Container Layouts 470

1 Container Layouts

2 Layouts using CodeWarrior





Week 11 Graphics and Drawings 533

1 Color Control

2 Font Control

3 Drawings


Week 12 Exceptions 599

1 The try block

2 throw and throws

3 The catch block

4 The finally block


Week 13 File I/O, input & output streams 763

1 Class hierarchy of

2 InputStream, OutputStream

3 Reader, Writer, OuputStreamWriter

4 Class File


Week 14 Multi-threading 702

1 Class Thread

2 Priorities and Scheduling

3 Synchronization

4 Runnable Interface

Mapping: Syllabus to Textbook Week No. Topic Morelli Pages Week 1 Introduction to Java and Object-Oriented Programming 1 Java Intro 2 O-O Design, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism,Objects,Classes, Class Hierarchy 7-10, 58,60 3 Java Syntax 23, 34 4 Java Packages, Application Structure, Class Structure, Method Structure 22-24, 61,63,69,70,74 5 O-O Example Week 2 Java Basics 1 Reserved Words(Keywords), Case Sensitivity 25,94 2 Primitive Data Types 94 3 Operators 232-240 4 Control Structures 137-145, 286-302 5 Methods 118-136 Weeks 3,4,5 Important Java Concepts 1 Modifier Visibility, Class Scope 69,71,72,75 2 Modifier Abstract (Classes and methods) 205211 3 Interfaces 178179 4 Inner Classes 486-488 5 Reserved Word "this" 186211 Week 6 Primitive Data Types and Wrapper Classes Arrays and Vectors 1 More information on Primitive Data Types 80,81,94-96 2 Methods in their Wrapper Classes 97-104 3 Casting 259260275 4 Arrays 407-467 5 Vector Class 446-447 Week 7 Strings and Processing 345 1 String Class 2 String Constuctors 3 String methods 4 StringBufferClass 5 StringTokenizerClass Week 8 Graphical User Interface Components and Listeners 470 1 GUI Components 2 Event Listeners Week 10 GUI Container Layouts 470 1 Container Layouts 2 Layouts using CodeWarrior Week 11 Graphics and Drawings 533 1 Color Control 2 Font Control 3 Drawings Week 12 Exceptions 599 1 The try block 2 throw and throws 3 The catch block 4 The finally block Week 13 File I/O, input & output streams 763 1 Class hierarchy of 2 InputStream, OutputStream 3 Reader, Writer, OuputStreamWriter 4 Class File Week 14 Multi-threading 702 1 Class Thread 2 Priorities and Scheduling 3 Synchronization 4 Runnable Interface