Letter grades are typically assigned according to the following table. This table was extracted, in part, from page 3 of the Janurary '97 Course Schedule.

Score   Letter/QPA
95-100  A     4.00
90-94   A-    3.67
87-89   B+    3.33
84-86   B     3.00
80-83   B-    2.67
77-79   C+    2.33
74-76   C     2.00
70-73   C-    1.67
67-69   D+    1.33
64-76   D     1.00
60-63   D-    0.67
00-59   F     0.00

You can't compare the A range with the B range, because we have no A+.

This is after a curve is applied. Fractional grades are subject to trunc, not round! Ceiling is never used! Only the floor function.

For example: Trunc(86.4)=86=B not B+.

This grading policy is subject to revision.