An Ethical Problem in Computer Graphics

The following assignment is intended to introduce you to a method of solving some problems in Professional Ethics. The following is a true story with the names and figures changed.

MegaTech Labs offered Wally Walbanger a job doing research.

Wally accepted, happy at the chance to try his hand at industrial research.

Wally was disappointed to find that he was not, able to do research as promised, but instead ended up being given the job of writing video games (which Wally thought was weird).

Even worse, Wally was worried about the ethics of his doing his job.

You see, Wally was to write a graphics simulation of a prototype video game, known as the Whambo Wobot .

This would not normally bother Wally so, except for Whambo's purpose.

You see, Whambo is to be used as an interactive actor in a video game.

This video will be played by million of adults and children, using the Interactive Television System which Megatech is constructing for its new information highway.

Wally asked his boss, "Violence on TV is bad enough, reasoned Wally, why can't" we make a nonviolent video game? " He was told that violent video games sell" better.

Figure 1. The Whambo Wobot.

Shown is Whambo is taking the classic punch posture.

Wally has read in the literature that video games have been shown to have adverse effects on the vision of children and that video games are habit forming. Even Wally can't stop playing them. Wally often finds himself playing these games when there is work to be done.

What you would do with the Whambo Wobot if you were Wally?

Complete the following procedure, type your work:

1. Obtain a copy of your Professional Code of Ethics.

2. Read your Code of Ethics.

3. Use the following procedure for Ethical Decision Making. Points will be awarded on the amount of work you do as well as the quality of your reasoning. The maximum number of points is not known. Your work must be typed to be acceptable. Late work will have 10 points per day late deducted from the grade. Up to 15 points may be deducted for problem with mechanics (spelling, grammer, etc..)

I. State the Ethical Problems which Wally has (5 points each)

II. State alternative actions which might solve some of all of the problems found in step I (5 points each)

III. List all the pros and cons for each alternative (two points per pro, two per con)

IV. In order to decide which alternative is best, develop a rating system for your alternatives. (5 points per prong)

The following is an example rating system which may help you decide when to do nothing about a code violation:

A 5 Prong Rating System for Inaction in Ethics

A. If it does no harm (safety)

B. If you are new

C. If others in your field disagree with you

D. If the code violation seems minor or subject to interpretation

E. If leaving the company seems easier

Develop a rating system which will help you do something that will let you pick an alternative.