Drawing a state diagram can be hard!


Doug Lyon Copyright 1998

Follow these procedures and you too can become an old hand at FSM design:


  1. Understand the problem
    1. Write a description
    2. write a specification
      1. What are the inputs?
      2. What are the outputs?
      3. What are the states?
  2. Obtain an abstract representation
    1. use a state diagram
    2. algorithmic statemachine
    3. petri-net
    4. VHDL/ABEL program
    5. etc.
  3. Perform State Minimization (more later)
  4. Encode States
  5. Select FF's
    1. Write the Excitation Table
    2. Choose an objective function
      1. minimize cost
      2. maximize speed
      3. discuss reliability
      4. discuss safety
    3. Why did you select the objective function?
  6. Implement Design (simulate and Build).