
1    package xml; 
3    import java.util.Vector; 
5    /** 
6     VendorList allows you to save a list of 
7     vendors to a file. The list comes from 
8     YellowPages.com 
9     */ 
10   public class VendorList { 
11   // a Typical search URL is: 
12   // http://www.yellowpages.com/asp/search/Searchform.asp? 
13   // CategoryIDs=&CategoryPath=&ResultStart=1&ResultCount=2000&NameOnly=YES&TypeOnly=&SearchRelation=&BName=computer& 
14   // SearchMethod=&SearchMethod=&SearchMethod=&SearchBy=NAME&state=CT&City= 
15       String url = "http://www.yellowpages.com/yellowpages/scripts/search.dll?ep=0&sic=5545&leaf=y&errp=&SearchRadius=&qzip=&qphone=&qaddress=&query=java&qcity=milford&qstate=CT&orderby=ADSPROMINENCE&ck=&userid=1&userpw=.&uh=1,0,&ccity=milford&cstate=CT&adrVer=-1&ver=5.1"; 
17       public Vector getCsv() { 
18           Vector raw = net.web.Browser.getUrl(url); 
19           System.out.println("got url"); 
20           return toAddressList(raw); 
21       } 
23       public static Vector toAddressList(Vector in) { 
24           Vector out = new Vector(); 
25           //search for addresses 
26           for (int i = 0; i < in.size(); i++) { 
27               String s = (String) in.elementAt(i); 
28               if (contains(s, "Phone:")) 
29                   out.addElement(getAddress(in, i)); 
30           } 
31           return out; 
32       } 
34       public static boolean contains(String s1, String s2) { 
35           return s1.lastIndexOf(s1) != -1; 
36       } 
38       public static String getAddress(Vector v, int i) { 
39           String s = ""; 
40           try { 
41               for (int j = -3; j < 0; j++) { 
42                   s = s + "," + (String) v.elementAt(j + i); 
43               } 
44           } catch (Exception e) { 
45           } 
46           return s; 
47       } 
49       public static String vector2String(Vector raw) { 
50           String s = " "; 
51           for (int i = 0; i < raw.size(); i++) 
52               s = s + raw.elementAt(i); 
53           return s; 
54       } 
56       public static void main(String args[]) { 
57           VendorList vl = new VendorList(); 
58           net.web.Browser.print(vl.getCsv()); 
60       } 
61   }