
1    package net.server.servlets; 
3    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; 
5    /** 
6     * The ConfirmationPage class is a type of HTML page 
7     * which is used to display the results of the student 
8     * assessment form, or ReviewForm. This data is displayed 
9     * in a table format. 
10    * 
11    * @author Robert Lysik 
12    * @version 1.00 
13    */ 
14   class ConfirmationPage extends HtmlPage { 
16       /** 
17        * This is the constructor for the ConfirmationPage class. 
18        * An object of type HttpServletRequest is passed in as 
19        * a parameter and parsed for data pertaining to the student 
20        * assessment results from the Form C page. This data is 
21        * then displayed in a table format. The user is prompted 
22        * to 'Proceed' at the bottom of the page, once they have 
23        * reviewed the data. 
24        */ 
25       ConfirmationPage(HttpServletRequest request) { 
26           super("Confirmation Page"); 
28           String course = new String(); 
29           String section = new String(); 
30           String term = new String(); 
31           String year = new String(); 
33           course = request.getParameter("course"); 
34           section = request.getParameter("section"); 
35           term = request.getParameter("term"); 
36           year = request.getParameter("year"); 
38           addHeadline(1, "Course:"); 
39           addBreak(); 
40           addText(course + "section: " + section); 
41           addBreak(); 
42           addHeadline(1, "Term:"); 
43           addBreak(); 
44           addText(term); 
45           addBreak(); 
46           addHeadline(1, "Instructor:"); 
47           addBreak(); 
48           addText(request.getParameter("instructor")); 
49           addBreak(); 
50           startForm("get", 
51                   "http://localhost:8080/examples/servlet/FormProcessorServlet"); 
52           int rowCount = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("rows")); 
53           int colCount = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("cols")); 
55           HtmlTable table = new HtmlTable(rowCount + 1, colCount, 1); 
57           for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowCount; rowIndex++) 
58               table.setElement(rowIndex + 1, 
59                       0, 
60                       request.getParameter("student" + 
61                       rowIndex)); 
62           for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < colCount; colIndex++) 
63               table.setElement(0, 
64                       colIndex, 
65                       request.getParameter("heading" + 
66                       colIndex)); 
67           for (int rowIndex = 1; rowIndex <= rowCount; rowIndex++) 
68               for (int colIndex = 1; colIndex < colCount; colIndex++) 
69                   table.setElement(rowIndex, 
70                           colIndex, 
71                           request.getParameter("r" + 
72                           rowIndex + 
73                           "c" + 
74                           colIndex)); 
75           addText(table.getHtml()); 
76           addBreak(); 
77           addSubmit("Proceed"); 
79           for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowCount; rowIndex++) 
80               addHidden("recordnum" + rowIndex, 
81                       "" + request.getParameter("recordnum" + rowIndex)); 
83           for (int rowIndex = 1; rowIndex <= rowCount; rowIndex++) 
84               for (int colIndex = 1; colIndex < colCount; colIndex++) 
85                   addHidden("r" + rowIndex + "c" + colIndex, 
86                           request.getParameter("r" + rowIndex + "c" + colIndex)); 
88           addHidden("status", "confirmed"); 
89           addHidden("course", course); 
90           addHidden("section", section); 
91           addHidden("term", term); 
92           addHidden("year", year); 
93           addHidden("rows", "" + rowCount); 
94           addHidden("cols", "" + colCount); 
95           endForm(); 
96       } 
97   }