1 package net.rmi.rmiSynth;
3 // rmi.rmiSynth.HostManager
5 import java.rmi.AlreadyBoundException;
6 import java.rmi.RMISecurityManager;
7 import java.rmi.RemoteException;
8 import java.rmi.StubNotFoundException;
9 import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry;
10 import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
11 import java.util.Enumeration;
12 import java.util.Vector;
14 /**
15 * The <code>HostManager</code> is invoked
16 * remotely by unicast remote protocol. New
17 * workers that enter into the grid must know the
18 * IP address of the HostManager We need to
19 * provide a leasing mechanism that expires a
20 * host. First start the host manager. Then start
21 * the computation servers. Finally start the
22 * compute client
23 */
25 public class HostManager
26 extends java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject
27 implements HostManagerInterface {
28 // a Multi-cast mechanism is needed to
29 // obtain the host addBk.address.
30 // Otherwise it must be hard-coded, like this:
32 public static final String hostManagerAddress = "";
33 // but some routers do not pass multi-cast packets!
34 // So the string stays.
36 private Vector remoteHosts = new Vector();
38 private static HostManagerInterface proxy = null;
40 public Host[] getHosts()
41 throws RemoteException {
42 Host h[] = new Host[remoteHosts.size()];
43 remoteHosts.copyInto(h);
44 return h;
45 }
48 private HostManager() throws RemoteException {
49 }
52 /**
53 * Use getProxy to gain remote access to the
54 * host manager. If proxy was already
55 * obtained, this invocation will not look it
56 * up again.
57 */
58 public static HostManagerInterface getProxy() {
59 if (proxy != null) return proxy;
60 try {
61 //locate the server class on remote machine
62 System.out.println(
63 "locating remote registry...");
64 Registry r = LocateRegistry.getRegistry(
65 hostManagerAddress);
66 System.out.println(
67 "looking up Manager...");
68 return
69 (HostManagerInterface) r.lookup(
70 "HostManager");
72 } catch (Exception e) {
73 e.printStackTrace();
74 }
75 return null;
77 }
79 public void add(Host h)
80 throws RemoteException {
81 if (contains(h)) {
82 update(h);
83 return;
84 }
85 remoteHosts.addElement(h);
86 System.out.println("added host:" + h +
87 " size=" +
88 remoteHosts.size());
89 }
91 public boolean contains(Host h) {
92 return indexOf(h, 0) >= 0;
93 }
95 public synchronized int indexOf(Host h,
96 int index) {
97 int numberOfHosts = remoteHosts.size();
98 if (h == null) {
99 for (int i = index; i <
100 numberOfHosts; i++)
101 if (remoteHosts.elementAt(i) ==
102 null)
103 return i;
104 } else {
105 for (int i = index; i <
106 numberOfHosts; i++)
107 if (equals(h,
108 (Host) remoteHosts.elementAt(
109 i)))
110 return i;
111 }
112 return -1;
113 }
115 // ok, here is a compelling argument for Java generics.
116 // The Vector code had to be duplicated and strongly
117 // linked to the Host equals method, or else the WRONG
118 // equals is used and therefore does not work as expected.
119 // A discovery. But is it interesting?
120 // Yes, if it is used in RMI, an equals results in a call-back
121 // which is not normally needed. The host must register and
122 // the overhead on this computation is extreme.
123 public static boolean equals(Host h1,
124 Host h2) {
125 return h1.getIP().equals(h2.getIP());
126 }
129 private int hostIndex = 0;
131 /**
132 * <code>getNextHost</code> returns the next
133 * host in the list, with wrap-around.
134 */
135 public Host getNextHost()
136 throws RemoteException {
137 hostIndex = (hostIndex + 1) %
138 remoteHosts.size();
139 return (Host) remoteHosts.elementAt(
140 hostIndex);
142 }
145 public void removeOldHosts() {
146 for (Enumeration e = remoteHosts.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
147 Host h = (Host) e.nextElement();
148 if (System.currentTimeMillis() -
149 h.getTimeOfUpdate() >
150 4000)
151 remove(h);
152 }
153 }
155 public void remove(Host h) {
156 int i = indexOf(h, 0);
157 remoteHosts.remove(i);
158 System.out.println("HostManager Alert: Host has timed out:" +
159 h +
160 " and was removed");
161 }
163 public void update(Host h)
164 throws RemoteException {
165 System.out.println("update invoked on host manager" +
166 new java.util.Date());
167 int i = indexOf(h, 0);
168 h.setTimeOfUpdate(
169 System.currentTimeMillis());
170 remoteHosts.setElementAt(h, i);
172 }
174 public static void main(String args[]) {
175 try {
176 startHostManager();
177 } catch (StubNotFoundException e) {
178 System.out.println(
179 "ERROR:Did you remember to gui.run RMIC?"
180 +
181 "\n rmic rmi.rmiSynth.HostManager");
183 } catch (RemoteException e) {
184 e.printStackTrace();
185 }
187 }
189 /**
190 * To start the host manager, you must invoke
191 * the main method. To get an instance of the
192 * host manager, you must get a proxy.
193 */
194 private static HostManager startHostManager()
195 throws RemoteException {
196 // Create and install a security manager
197 System.setSecurityManager(
198 new RMISecurityManager());
199 HostManager hm = new HostManager();
200 System.out.println(
201 "HostManager starting...");
202 //Create the registry and bind the Server class to the registry
203 try {
204 LocateRegistry.createRegistry(1099);
205 System.out.println(
206 "located registry...");
207 } catch (Exception e) {
208 System.out.println(
209 "ERROR:is the registry already on port 1099?");
210 }
211 Registry r = LocateRegistry.getRegistry();
212 bindToRegistry(r, hm);
213 System.out.print(
214 "HostManager is running on:");
215 try {
216 System.out.println(Host.getAddress());
217 } catch (java.net.UnknownHostException e) {
218 System.out.println(
219 "ERROR:HostManager,"
220 +
221 " can't get local addBk.address?");
222 }
223 return hm;
224 }
226 private static void bindToRegistry(
227 Registry r, HostManager hm)
228 throws RemoteException {
229 try {
230 r.bind("HostManager", hm);
231 } catch (RemoteException e) {
232 e.printStackTrace();
233 } catch (AlreadyBoundException e) {
234 System.out.println(
235 "HostManager:Rebinding. Was this already running?");
236 r.rebind("HostManager", hm);
237 }
238 }
241 }