
1    package net.compute; 
4    import java.io.ObjectInputStream; 
5    import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; 
6    import java.io.Serializable; 
7    import java.net.Socket; 
8    /** 
9     * 1. Use the ComputeClient to create a Reloader 
10    * that gives you bytes codes. 
11    * 2. Get the RemoteClassLoader and send it to the 
12    *   compute server. 
13    * 3. The compute server define and computes the class using 
14    *   the remote class loader. 
15    * 4. It then returns the answer to the compute client. 
16    */ 
18   public class ComputeClient implements Runnable { 
19       private ComputableObject computeIt = new BigComputation(); 
20       private String lookupServer = ""; 
21       private int lookupServerPort = 8088; 
23       public void setComputableObject(ComputableObject co) { 
24           computeIt = co; 
25       } 
27       public static void main(String args[]) { 
28           ComputeClient cc = new ComputeClient(); 
29           //cc.setComputableObject( new ANewComputableObject()); 
30           cc.run(); 
31       } 
33       public void run() { 
34           try { 
35               Socket s 
36                       = new Socket(lookupServer, lookupServerPort); 
37               ObjectInputStream 
38                       ois = 
39                       new ObjectInputStream( 
40                               s.getInputStream()); 
41               ObjectOutputStream 
42                       oos = 
43                       new ObjectOutputStream( 
44                               s.getOutputStream()); 
45               oos.writeObject(computeIt); 
46               // block the thread of execution 
47               // until the computation is finished by 
48               // the compute server. E.g. 
49               // a = f(b); 
50               Object o = ois.readObject(); 
51               System.out.println(o); 
52               ois.close(); 
53               oos.close(); 
54           } catch (Exception e) { 
55               e.printStackTrace(); 
56           } 
57       } 
59       private static class ANewComputableObject 
60               implements ComputableObject { 
61           public Serializable compute() { 
62               return "this is really different"; 
63           } 
64       } 
65   }