
1    /*************************************************************************** 
2     // @(#)vsFFT1D.java 
3     // 
4     // Perform a non recursive in place FFT using doubles. 
5     // 
6     // @version 1.0, 4 JULY 1997 
7     // @author  D. Lyon, V. Silva 
8     ****************************************************************************/ 
9    package math.transforms; 
11   import math.Mat1; 
12   import math.MathUtils; 
13   import utils.Timer; 
15   /** 
16    * A 1D FFT for integral power of two FFTs 
17    */ 
18   public class FFTSimple1d { 
19       private final int FORWARD_FFT = -1; 
20       private final int REVERSE_FFT = 1; 
21       private int direction = FORWARD_FFT; 
22       private static final float twoPI = (float) (2 * Math.PI); 
23       // These arrays hold the complex 1D FFT data. 
24       private float realData[] = null; 
25       private float imaginaryData[] = null; 
27       public static float[] getPsd(float audioWaveForm[]) { 
28           float i[] = new float[audioWaveForm.length]; 
29           FFTSimple1d f = new FFTSimple1d(); 
30           f.computeForwardFFT(audioWaveForm, i); 
31           float[] magnitudeSpectrum = f.getMagnitudeSpectrum(); 
32           return magnitudeSpectrum; 
33       } 
35       public void visuallyTest() { 
36           System.out.println("Testing FFT engine in 1D class..."); 
37           int N = 8; 
38           float[] in_r = new float[N]; 
39           float[] in_i = new float[N]; 
40           float[] holder_r = new float[N]; 
41           float[] holder_i = new float[N]; 
43           // Create a test ramp signal. 
44           for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { 
45               in_r[i] = (float) i / N; 
46               in_i[i] = (float) 0; 
47           } 
48           computeForwardFFT(in_r, in_i); 
50           // Copy to new array because IFFT will destroy the FFT results. 
51           for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { 
52               holder_r[i] = in_r[i]; 
53               holder_i[i] = in_i[i]; 
54           } 
55           for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { 
56               in_r[i] = in_r[i]; 
57               in_i[i] = in_i[i]; 
58           } 
59           computeBackwardFFT(in_r, in_i); 
60           float[] mag = getMagnitudeSpectrum(in_r, in_i); 
61           System.out.println("i    x1[i]    re[i]             im[i]           tv[i]"); 
62           for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { 
63               System.out.println(i + 
64                       "\t" + i + 
65                       "\t" + holder_r[i] + 
66                       "\t\t" + 
67                       holder_i[i] + 
68                       "\t\t" + mag[i]); 
69           } 
70       } 
72       public void timeFFT(int n) { 
73           // Time a 256K FFT 
74           float realPart[] = new float[n]; 
75           float imaginaryPart[] = new float[n]; 
77           // Create a test ramp signal. 
79           synthesizeRamp(realPart, imaginaryPart); 
80           //MathUtils.print(realPart); 
82           utils.Timer t1 = new utils.Timer(); 
83           runExperiment(t1, realPart, imaginaryPart); 
84       } 
86       public static void print(Object o[]) { 
87           for (int i = 0; i < o.length; i++) 
88               System.out.println(o[i]); 
89       } 
91       /** 
92        * Destroy the input data with a linear ramp. 
93        * 
94        * @param realPart      input datas real component 
95        * @param imaginaryPart input datas' imaginary component. 
96        */ 
97       public static final void synthesizeRamp(float[] realPart, float[] imaginaryPart) { 
98           int n = realPart.length; 
99           for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { 
100              realPart[i] = (float) i / n; 
101              imaginaryPart[i] = (float) 0; 
102          } 
103      } 
105      private void runExperiment(Timer t1, 
106                                 float[] realPart, 
107                                 float[] imaginaryPart) { 
108          t1.start(); 
109          computeForwardFFT(realPart, imaginaryPart); 
110          t1.stop(); 
111          t1.print("did an fft-radix 2 of length" + realPart.length + 
112                  "using float in:"); 
113      } 
115      private static final void window(float r[], float w[]) { 
116          for (int i = 0; i < r.length; i++) 
117              r[i] = r[i] * w[i]; 
118      } 
120      /** 
121       * 1D FFT utility functions. 
122       */ 
123      public void swap(int i, int numBits) { 
124          float tempr; 
125          int j = bitr(i, numBits); 
126          tempr = realData[j]; 
127          realData[j] = realData[i]; 
128          realData[i] = tempr; 
129          tempr = imaginaryData[j]; 
130          imaginaryData[j] = imaginaryData[i]; 
131          imaginaryData[i] = tempr; 
132      } 
134      // swap Zi with Zj 
135      private void swapInt(int i, int j) { 
136          float tempr; 
137          int ti; 
138          int tj; 
139          ti = i - 1; 
140          tj = j - 1; 
141          // System.out.print("swapInt " + ti+","+tj+"\t"); 
142          // System.out.println(Integer.toBinaryString(ti)+","+Integer.toBinaryString(tj)); 
143          // System.out.println(Integer.toBinaryString(ti)+"bitr="+Integer.toBinaryString(bitr(ti))); 
144          tempr = realData[tj]; 
145          realData[tj] = realData[ti]; 
146          realData[ti] = tempr; 
147          tempr = imaginaryData[tj]; 
148          imaginaryData[tj] = imaginaryData[ti]; 
149          imaginaryData[ti] = tempr; 
150      } 
152      /** 
153       * get the location of the maximum partial 
154       * 
155       * @param realPart 
156       * @param imaginaryPart 
157       * @return location of max(realPart[i],imaginaryPart[i]) 
158       */ 
159      public static final int getMaxPSDLocation(float realPart[], 
160                                                float imaginaryPart[]) { 
161          float max; 
162          max = -0.99e30f; 
163          int location = 0; 
164          for (int i = 0; i < realPart.length; i++) 
165              if (getMagnitude(realPart[i], imaginaryPart[i]) > max) { 
166                  max = realPart[i]; 
167                  location = i; 
168              } 
169          return location; 
170      } 
172      /** 
173       * Compute the sum of the squares of a complex number 
174       * 
175       * @param r    real part 
176       * @param imag imaginary part 
177       * @return r*r + imag * imag. 
178       */ 
179      public static final float getMagnitude(float r, float imag) { 
180          return r * r + imag * imag; 
181      } 
183      float getMaxValue(float in[]) { 
184          float max; 
185          max = -0.99e30f; 
186          for (int i = 0; i < in.length; i++) 
187              if (in[i] > max) 
188                  max = in[i]; 
189          return max; 
190      } 
192      private void bitReverse2() { 
193          /* bit reversal */ 
194          int n = realData.length; 
195          int j = 1; 
196          int k; 
197          for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { 
198              if (i < j) { 
199                  swapInt(i, j); 
200              } //if 
201              k = n / 2; 
202              while (k >= 1 && k < j) { 
203                  j = j - k; 
204                  k = k / 2; 
205              } 
206              j = j + k; 
207          } // for 
208      } 
210      private int bitr(int j, int numBits) { 
211          int ans = 0; 
212          for (int i = 0; i < numBits; i++) { 
213              ans = (ans << 1) + (j & 1); 
214              j = j >> 1; 
215          } 
216          return ans; 
217      } 
219      public void computeForwardFFT(float[] in_r, float[] in_i) { 
220          direction = FORWARD_FFT; 
221          fft(in_r, in_i); 
222      } 
224      public void computeBackwardFFT(float[] in_r, float[] in_i) { 
225          direction = REVERSE_FFT; 
226          fft(in_r, in_i); 
227      } 
229      /** 
230       * FFT engine. 
231       */ 
232      public void fft(float _realPart[], float _imaginaryPart[]) { 
233          int id; 
234          // radix 2 number if sample, 1D of course. 
235          int localN; 
236          float wtemp, Wjk_r, Wjk_i, Wj_r, Wj_i; 
237          float theta, tempr, tempi; 
238          int numBits = MathUtils.getLogBase2(_realPart.length); 
239          // Truncate input data to a power of two 
240          int length = 1 << numBits; // length = 2**nu 
241          int n = length; 
243          // Copy passed references to variables to be used within 
244          // transforms.fft routines & utilities 
245          realData = _realPart; 
246          imaginaryData = _imaginaryPart; 
247          bitReverse2(); 
248          for (int m = 1; m <= numBits; m++) { 
249              // localN = 2^m; 
250              localN = 1 << m; 
251              Wjk_r = 1; 
252              Wjk_i = 0; 
253              theta = twoPI / localN; 
254              Wj_r = (float) Math.cos(theta); 
255              Wj_i = (float) (direction * Math.sin(theta)); 
256              int nby2 = localN / 2; 
257              for (int j = 0; j < nby2; j++) { 
258                  // This is the FFT innermost loop 
259                  // Any optimizations that can be made here will yield 
260                  // great rewards. 
261                  for (int k = j; k < n; k += localN) { 
262                      id = k + nby2; 
263                      tempr = Wjk_r * realData[id] - Wjk_i * imaginaryData[id]; 
264                      tempi = Wjk_r * imaginaryData[id] + Wjk_i * realData[id]; 
266                      // Zid = Zi -C 
267                      realData[id] = realData[k] - tempr; 
268                      imaginaryData[id] = imaginaryData[k] - tempi; 
269                      realData[k] += tempr; 
270                      imaginaryData[k] += tempi; 
271                  } 
273                  // (eq 6.23) and (eq 6.24) 
275                  wtemp = Wjk_r; 
276                  Wjk_r = Wj_r * Wjk_r - Wj_i * Wjk_i; 
277                  Wjk_i = Wj_r * Wjk_i + Wj_i * wtemp; 
278              } 
279          } 
280      } 
282      /** 
283       * @return gets the real component from FFT. 
284       */ 
285      public float[] getRealData() { 
286          return realData; 
287      } 
289      /** 
290       * @return gets the imaginary component from FFT. 
291       */ 
292      public float[] getImaginaryData() { 
293          return imaginaryData; 
294      } 
296      public float[] getMagnitudeSpectrum() { 
297          float magnitudeSpectrum[] = 
298                  getMagnitudeSpectrum(realData, imaginaryData); 
299          double s = 0.0; 
300          for (int i = 0; i < magnitudeSpectrum.length; i++) 
301              s = s + magnitudeSpectrum[i]; 
302          double v = s; 
303          scale(magnitudeSpectrum, (float) (1.0 / v)); 
304          return magnitudeSpectrum; 
305      } 
306        public static void scale(final float[] a, 
307                               final float k) { 
308          if (a == null) return; 
309          for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { 
310              a[i] = a[i] * k; 
311          } 
312      } 
313      /** 
314       * Compute the power spectral density of the input 
315       * arrays 
316       * 
317       * @param in_r real part of an fft 
318       * @param in_i imaginary part of an fft 
319       * @return the psd. 
320       */ 
321      public float[] getMagnitudeSpectrum(float in_r[], float in_i[]) { 
322          int N = in_r.length; 
323          float[] mag = new float[N]; 
324          for (int i = 0; i < in_r.length; i++) 
325              mag[i] = (float) Math.sqrt(in_r[i] * in_r[i] + in_i[i] * in_i[i]); 
326          return (mag); 
327      } 
329      public static void testFFT() { 
330          FFTSimple1d f = new FFTSimple1d(); 
331          for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) 
332              f.timeFFT(1024 * 1024); 
333      } 
335      public static void main(String args[]) { 
336          testFFT(); 
337      } 
338  }