
1    /** 
2     * Victor Silva - University of Bridgeport 20 Feb. 1997 
3     * Doug Lyon - revised heavily 8/3/98. 
4     * 
5     * Use this class by calling HLS.fromRGB to convert an 
6     * int array containing image pixels into HLS color space. 
7     * 
8     * HLS and RGB Converter class.  This class allows conversion 
9     * between RGB and HLS (Hue, Lightness and Saturation). 
10    * The conversion algorithm is from Foley and van Dam 
11    * "Computer Graphics". 
12    // there is a bug here someplace....oops...I just have 
13    // no time to fix it now....8/14/98 DL. 
14    * 
15    */ 
16   package ip.color; 
18   import ip.gui.frames.ColorFrame; 
21   public class Hls extends FloatPlane { 
23       public Hls(ColorFrame _cf) { 
24           super(_cf); 
25       } 
28       public void fromRgb() { 
29           printStatistics(); 
30           normalize(); 
31           printStatistics(); 
32           float max = 0f; 
33           float min = 255f; 
34           float h = 0; 
35           float l = 0; 
36           float s = 0; 
37           float delta = 0; 
39           for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) 
40               for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { 
41                   max = max(r[x][y], g[x][y], b[x][y]); 
42                   min = min(r[x][y], g[x][y], b[x][y]); 
43                   l = (max + min) / 2; 
44                   if (max == min) { 
45                       s = 0; // Achromatic case 
46                       h = 0; // h is really undefined 
47                       r[x][y] = h; 
48                       g[x][y] = l; 
49                       b[x][y] = s; 
50                       continue; 
51                   } 
52                   delta = max - min; 
54                   // Calculate saturation 
55                   if (l <= 0.5) 
56                       s = delta / (max + min); 
57                   else 
58                       s = delta / (2 - delta); 
60                   if (r[x][y] == max) 
61                       h = (g[x][y] - b[x][y]) / delta; 
62                   else if (g[x][y] == max) 
63                       h = (float) (2.0 + (b[x][y] - r[x][y]) / delta); 
64                   else if (b[x][y] == max) 
65                       h = (float) (4.0 + (r[x][y] - g[x][y]) / delta); 
66                   h *= 60; 
67                   if (h < 0) h += 360; // no negative degrees 
68                   r[x][y] = h; 
69                   g[x][y] = l; 
70                   b[x][y] = s; 
71               } 
73       } 
77   // assume that luminance is stored in HLS_g 
78       public void autoScale() { 
79           float max = getMax(g); 
80           float min = getMin(g); 
81           System.out.println("Max luminance = " + max); 
82           System.out.println("Min luminance = " + min); 
83           float sf = (float) (255.0 / (max - min)); 
84           System.out.println("Scaling in luminance by" + sf); 
85           for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) 
86               for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) 
87                   g[x][y] *= sf; 
88       } 
91       public void toRgb() { 
92           int totalPix = r.length; 
94           double m1, m2; 
95           float h,l,s; 
96           double R, G, B; 
98           for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) 
99               for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { 
100                  h = r[x][y]; 
101                  l = g[x][y]; 
102                  s = b[x][y]; 
103                  if (s == 0.0) { 
104                      r[x][y] = l; 
105                      g[x][y] = l; 
106                      b[x][y] = l; 
107                      continue; 
108                  } 
109                  m2 = (l <= 0.5) ? (l * (l + s)) : (l + s - (l * s)); 
110                  m1 = 2.0 * l - m2; 
111                  r[x][y] = value(m1, m2, h + 120.0); 
112                  g[x][y] = value(m1, m2, h); 
113                  b[x][y] = value(m1, m2, h - 120.0); 
114              } 
115          scale(255); 
116      } 
118      float value(double n1, double n2, double hue) { 
119          if (hue > 360.0) 
120              hue -= 360.0; 
121          else if (hue < 0.0) hue += 360.0; 
123          if (hue < 60.0) 
124              return ((float) (n1 + ((n2 - n1) * hue) / 60.0)); 
126          else { 
127              if (hue < 180.0) 
128                  return ((float) n2); 
129              else if (hue < 240.0) 
130                  return ((float) (n1 + ((n2 - n1) * (240.0 - hue)) / 60.0)); 
131              else 
132                  return ((float) n1); 
133          } 
134      } 
136  } 