1 package classUtils.pack.util;
3 import java.lang.reflect.Array;
5 import classUtils.pack.util.util.SignatureAnalyzer;
7 /**
8 * An helper class to automatically wrap primitive types
9 * into their corresponding object types.
10 *
11 * @author Cristiano Sadun
12 */
13 public class TypeWrapper {
15 public static Object wrap(byte v) {
16 return new Byte(v);
17 }
18 public static Object wrap(short v) {
19 return new Short(v);
20 }
21 public static Object wrap(int v) {
22 return new Integer(v);
23 }
24 public static Object wrap(long v) {
25 return new Long(v);
26 }
27 public static Object wrap(float v) {
28 return new Float(v);
29 }
30 public static Object wrap(double v) {
31 return new Double(v);
32 }
33 public static Object wrap(char v) {
34 return new Character(v);
35 }
36 public static Object wrap(boolean v) {
37 return new Boolean(v);
38 }
40 public static Object wrap(Object obj) {
42 if (!obj.getClass().isArray())
43 throw new IllegalArgumentException("wrap(Object) can be invoked only on arrays of primitive types");
45 Object[] array = (Object[]) obj;
46 Class componentType = obj.getClass().getComponentType();
47 Class baseComponentType = componentType;
49 int dim = 1;
51 while (baseComponentType.isArray()) {
52 baseComponentType = baseComponentType.getComponentType();
53 dim++;
54 }
56 if (!baseComponentType.isPrimitive())
57 throw new IllegalArgumentException("wrap(Object) can be invoked only on arrays of primitive types");
59 return wrap0(array, componentType, baseComponentType, dim);
60 }
62 private static Object wrap0(
63 Object[] array,
64 Class componentType,
65 Class baseComponentType,
66 int dim) {
67 Object[] result = null;
68 for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
69 if (componentType.isArray()) {
70 // Component type is an array. If the value of the ith element is
71 // not null, go creating the subarray and assign it
72 if (array[i] == null) {
73 result[i] = null;
74 continue;
75 } else {
76 Object[] elementArray = (Object[]) array[i];
77 result[i] =
78 wrap0(
79 elementArray,
80 componentType.getComponentType(),
81 baseComponentType,
82 dim - 1);
83 }
84 } else {
85 // Component type is not an array. Since we're dealing with primitive
86 // types, array elements are never null.
88 // Let's create a corresponding array of wrappers
89 result =
90 (Object[]) Array.newInstance(
91 TypeWrapper.getWrapperClass(baseComponentType),
92 1);
93 // Now, let's fill the values with wrapper objects
94 for (int j = 0; j < result.length; j++) {
96 }
97 }
98 }
99 return result;
100 }
102 /*
103 private static Object [] wrap0(Object obj, int level, Class [] baseType) {
104 if (!obj.getClass().isArray())
105 throw new IllegalArgumentException("wrap(Object) can be invoked only on arrays of primitive types");
107 Class componentType = obj.getClass().getComponentType();
108 if (componentType.isArray()) {
109 // For each element, we need to obtain the wrapped array
110 Object [] result=null;
111 for(int i=0;i<((Object[])obj).length;i++) {
112 Object elem = ((Object[])obj)[i];
113 Object [] wrapped = wrap0(elem, level+1, baseType);
114 // In "basetype", we've recorded the primitive type,
115 // so we create an appropriate wrapper type array
116 if (result==null) {
117 try {
118 result = Array.n.newInstance()
119 } catch (Exception e) {
120 throw new RuntimeException(e);
121 }
122 System.exit(0);
123 }
124 /*
125 if (componentType==byte[].class) wrappedArray=wrap0((byte)
126 else if (componentType==Short.TYPE) wrappedValue=wrap(((short[])obj)[i]);
127 else if (componentType==Integer.TYPE) wrappedValue=wrap(((int[])obj)[i]);
128 else if (componentType==Long.TYPE) wrappedValue=wrap(((long[])obj)[i]);
129 else if (componentType==Float.TYPE) wrappedValue=wrap(((float[])obj)[i]);
130 else if (componentType==Double.TYPE) wrappedValue=wrap(((double[])obj)[i]);
131 else if (componentType==Character.TYPE) wrappedValue=wrap(((char[])obj)[i]);
132 else if (componentType==Boolean.TYPE) wrappedValue=wrap(((boolean[])obj)[i]);
133 *
134 }
135 return result;
136 }
138 if (!componentType.isPrimitive())
139 throw new IllegalArgumentException("wrap(Object) can be invoked only on arrays of primitive types");
141 // Create an array of the wrapper type, and assign it
142 // with wraps of the original value
143 int length = getArrayLength(obj);
144 baseType[0]=componentType;
145 Object [] wrapperArray = createWrapperArray(componentType, length);
146 for(int i=0;i<length;i++) {
147 Object wrappedValue=null;
148 if (componentType==Byte.TYPE) wrappedValue=wrap(((byte[])obj)[i]);
149 else if (componentType==Short.TYPE) wrappedValue=wrap(((short[])obj)[i]);
150 else if (componentType==Integer.TYPE) wrappedValue=wrap(((int[])obj)[i]);
151 else if (componentType==Long.TYPE) wrappedValue=wrap(((long[])obj)[i]);
152 else if (componentType==Float.TYPE) wrappedValue=wrap(((float[])obj)[i]);
153 else if (componentType==Double.TYPE) wrappedValue=wrap(((double[])obj)[i]);
154 else if (componentType==Character.TYPE) wrappedValue=wrap(((char[])obj)[i]);
155 else if (componentType==Boolean.TYPE) wrappedValue=wrap(((boolean[])obj)[i]);
156 wrapperArray[i]=wrappedValue;
157 }
158 return wrapperArray;
159 }
160 */
162 private static int getArrayLength(Object array) {
163 Class componentType = array.getClass().getComponentType();
164 if (componentType == Byte.TYPE)
165 return ((byte[]) array).length;
166 if (componentType == Short.TYPE)
167 return ((short[]) array).length;
168 if (componentType == Integer.TYPE)
169 return ((int[]) array).length;
170 if (componentType == Long.TYPE)
171 return ((long[]) array).length;
172 if (componentType == Float.TYPE)
173 return ((float[]) array).length;
174 if (componentType == Double.TYPE)
175 return ((double[]) array).length;
176 if (componentType == Character.TYPE)
177 return ((char[]) array).length;
178 if (componentType == Boolean.TYPE)
179 return ((boolean[]) array).length;
180 throw new IllegalArgumentException("getArrayLength() called over an array of nonprimitive types");
182 }
184 private static Object[] createWrapperArray(
185 Class componentType,
186 int length) {
187 if (componentType == Byte.TYPE)
188 return new Byte[length];
189 if (componentType == Short.TYPE)
190 return new Short[length];
191 if (componentType == Integer.TYPE)
192 return new Integer[length];
193 if (componentType == Long.TYPE)
194 return new Long[length];
195 if (componentType == Float.TYPE)
196 return new Float[length];
197 if (componentType == Double.TYPE)
198 return new Double[length];
199 if (componentType == Character.TYPE)
200 return new Character[length];
201 if (componentType == Boolean.TYPE)
202 return new Boolean[length];
203 throw new IllegalArgumentException("createWrapperArray() called over a nonprimitive type");
205 }
207 /**
208 * Return the class of the wrapper object for the given
209 * primitive type.
210 *
211 * @param primitiveCls the Class of the primitive type
212 * @return Class the wrapper class
213 */
214 public static Class getWrapperClass(Class primitiveCls) {
215 if (primitiveCls == Byte.TYPE)
216 return Byte.class;
217 if (primitiveCls == Short.TYPE)
218 return Short.class;
219 if (primitiveCls == Integer.TYPE)
220 return Integer.class;
221 if (primitiveCls == Long.TYPE)
222 return Long.class;
223 if (primitiveCls == Float.TYPE)
224 return Float.class;
225 if (primitiveCls == Double.TYPE)
226 return Double.class;
227 if (primitiveCls == Character.TYPE)
228 return Character.class;
229 if (primitiveCls == Boolean.TYPE)
230 return Boolean.class;
231 throw new IllegalArgumentException("getWrapper() called over a nonprimitive type");
232 }
234 /**
235 * Return a wrapper object corresponding to passed value, interpreted
236 * according to the given primitive class.
237 *
238 * @param primitiveCls the Class of the primitive type
239 * @param value the value to intepret
240 */
241 public static Object wrapFromString(Class primitiveCls, String value) {
242 try {
243 if (primitiveCls == Byte.TYPE)
244 return new Byte(value);
245 if (primitiveCls == Short.TYPE)
246 return new Short(value);
247 if (primitiveCls == Integer.TYPE)
248 return new Integer(value);
249 if (primitiveCls == Long.TYPE)
250 return new Long(value);
251 if (primitiveCls == Float.TYPE)
252 return new Float(value);
253 if (primitiveCls == Double.TYPE)
254 return new Double(value);
255 if (primitiveCls == Character.TYPE) {
256 if (value.length() != 1)
257 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid value for character type");
258 return new Character(value.charAt(0));
259 }
260 if (primitiveCls == Boolean.TYPE)
261 return new Boolean(value);
262 } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
263 throw new IllegalArgumentException(
264 "'"
265 + value
266 + "' is not a correct representation for the type "
267 + SignatureAnalyzer.getJavaTypeName(primitiveCls));
268 }
269 throw new IllegalArgumentException("getWrapper() called over a nonprimitive type");
270 }
272 /*public Object interpretPrimitiveString(String value, Class cls) {
273 Class primitiveCls=getWrapperClass(cls);
274 return primitiveCls.
275 }*/
277 public static void main(String args[]) {
279 Integer[][] wrapped =
280 (
281 Integer[][]) TypeWrapper
282 .wrap(new int[][] { new int[] { 2, 5 }, new int[] { 3, 6 }
283 });
284 }
286 }