
1    package bookExamples.ch27BusinessGraphics.charts; 
3    import java.awt.*; 
5    /** 
6     * DrawUtil is the drawing utility class which draws the actual 
7     * graphs and their labels. It can only be constructed with an 
8     * instance of DoubleDataBean. It is invoked by each type of graphics.graph. 
9     * Global Variables: 
10    * <UL> 
11    * <LI> DoubleDataBean: instance of DoubleDataBean so the graphics.graph is drawn 
12    *     with the proper data 
13    * <LI> width: from DoubleDataBean, the width of the image 
14    * <LI> height: from DoubleDataBean, the height of the image 
15    * </UL> 
16    * 
17    * @author  Allison McHenry 
18    * @author  Douglas Lyon, PhD 
19    * @since   JDK 1.3 
20    */ 
22   public class DrawUtil { 
25       private DoubleDataBean dd = null; 
26       private int width = 0; 
27       private int height = 0; 
31       /** 
32        *  Default constructor, used to instantiate an instance of DrawUtil by 
33        *  the LineGraph, PieGraph and BarGraph classes 
34        *  @param dd   Instance of DoubleDataBean containing data to be drawn 
35        */ 
36       protected DrawUtil(DoubleDataBean _dd) { 
37           dd = _dd; 
38           width = dd.getWidth(); 
39           height = dd.getHeight(); 
40       } 
43       /** 
44        *  Draws the title of the X axis for line graphics.graph and bar graphics.graph, 
45        *  in the center of the axis. 
46        * 
47        *  @param g    Graphics context for drawing 
48        *  @see        LineGraph.#paint 
49        *  @see        BarGraph.#paint 
50        *  @see        DoubleDataBean.#getYAxisCoord 
51        *  @see        java.awt.Graphics.#drawString 
52        *  @see        java.awt.Graphics.#FontMetrics 
53        *  @see        java.awt.Graphics.#setFont 
54        */ 
55       protected void drawXAxisLabel(Graphics g) { 
56           String xLabel = dd.getXLabel(); 
57           double yOrigin = dd.getYAxisCoord(); 
59           g.setColor(Color.black); 
60           g.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 
61           FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); 
63           int xStringStartX = ((width / 2) - (fm.stringWidth(xLabel) / 2)); 
64           int xStringStartY = (int) (yOrigin + (2 * dd.Y_OFFSET)); 
65           g.drawString(xLabel, xStringStartX, xStringStartY); 
66       } 
68       /** 
69        *  Draws the title of the Y axis for line graphics.graph and bar graphics.graph, 
70        *  in the upper left corner of the graphics.graph. 
71        * 
72        *  @param g    Graphics context for drawing 
73        *  @see        LineGraph.#paint 
74        *  @see        BarGraph.#paint 
75        *  @see        DoubleDataBean.#getXAxisCoord 
76        *  @see        java.awt.Graphics.#drawString 
77        */ 
79       protected void drawYAxisLabel(Graphics g) { 
80           String yLabel = dd.getYLabel(); 
81           double xAxisCoord = dd.getXAxisCoord(); 
83           g.setColor(Color.black); 
84           g.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 
85           FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); 
86           int yStringStartX = (int) (xAxisCoord + dd.X_OFFSET); 
87           int yStringStartY = 4 * dd.Y_OFFSET; 
89           if (xAxisCoord == (dd.getWidth() - dd.X_OFFSET)) { 
90               yStringStartX = (int) (xAxisCoord - fm.stringWidth(yLabel)); 
91               yStringStartY = 4 * dd.Y_OFFSET; 
92           } 
93           g.drawString(yLabel, yStringStartX, yStringStartY); 
94       } 
96       /** 
97        *  Draws the title of the graphics.graph for line graphics.graph and bar graphics.graph, 
98        *  in the bottom center of the graphics.graph. 
99        * 
100       *  @param g    Graphics context for drawing 
101       *  @see        LineGraph.#paint 
102       *  @see        BarGraph.#paint 
103       *  @see        java.awt.Graphics.#drawString 
104       *  @see        java.awt.Graphics.#FontMetrics 
105       *  @see        java.awt.Graphics.#setFont 
106       */ 
107      protected void drawTitle(Graphics g) { 
108          String title = dd.getTitle(); 
110          g.setColor(Color.yellow); 
111          g.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 16)); 
112          FontMetrics fontM = g.getFontMetrics(); 
114          int titleStringStartX = ((width / 2) - (fontM.stringWidth(title) / 2)); 
115          int titleStringStartY = height - dd.Y_OFFSET; 
116          g.drawString(title, titleStringStartX, titleStringStartY); 
117      } 
119      /** 
120       *  Draws the title of the graphics.graph for line graphics.graph and bar graphics.graph, 
121       *  at the location specified as (x,y) 
122       * 
123       *  @param g        Graphics context for drawing 
124       *  @param xCoord   x coordinate for where the string should be drawn 
125       *  @param yCoord   y coordinate for where the string should be drawn 
126       *  @see            PieGraph.#paint 
127       *  @see            java.awt.Graphics.#drawString 
128       *  @see            java.awt.Graphics.#FontMetrics 
129       *  @see            java.awt.Graphics.#setFont 
130       */ 
131      protected void drawTitle(Graphics g, int xCoord, int yCoord) { 
132          String title = dd.getTitle(); 
134          g.setColor(Color.yellow); 
135          g.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 16)); 
136          FontMetrics fontM = g.getFontMetrics(); 
138          int titleStringStartX = xCoord; 
139          int titleStringStartY = yCoord; 
140          g.drawString(title, titleStringStartX, titleStringStartY); 
141      } 
142  }