
1    package bookExamples.ch14Files; 
3    import futils.DirList; 
4    import futils.Futil; 
5    import futils.WildFilter; 
6    import gui.In; 
8    import java.io.File; 
10   /** 
11    * DocJava, Inc. 
12    * http://www.docjava.com 
13    * Programmer: dlyon 
14    * Date: Oct 18, 2004 
15    * Time: 2:44:21 PM 
16    */ 
17   public class FileExamples { 
18       public static void main(String[] args) { 
19           getSubdirectoryExample(); 
20       } 
22       /** 
23        * list all the files in a given directory and its subdirectories. 
24        */ 
25       private static void getSubdirectoryExample() { 
26           String suffix = In.getString("enter a suffix for a file list"); 
27           String prefix = In.getString("enter a prefix for a file list"); 
28           String midfix = In.getString("enter a midfix for a file list"); 
29           WildFilter fnf = new WildFilter(prefix, midfix, suffix); 
30           DirList d = new DirList(fnf); 
31           File f[] = d.getFiles(); 
32           if (f == null || f.length == 0) { 
33               In.message("no files found with "); 
34               return; 
35           } 
36           File aFile = (File) 
37                   In.multiPrompt(f, "select a file", "file selection dialog"); 
38           In.message("you select:" + aFile); 
40       } 
42       private static void getFileExample() { 
43           String suffix = In.getString("enter a suffix for a file list"); 
44           WildFilter fnf = new WildFilter(suffix); 
45           File dir = Futil.getReadDirFile("select a directory containing files that end with " 
46                   + suffix); 
47           File f[] = dir.listFiles(fnf); 
48           if (f == null || f.length == 0) { 
49               In.message("no files found with " + suffix + " suffix."); 
50               return; 
51           } 
52           File aFile = (File) 
53                   In.multiPrompt(f, "select a file", "file selection dialog"); 
54           In.message("you select:" + aFile); 
55       } 
57       private static void getDirExample() { 
58           In.message("welcome to my file examples!"); 
59           File f = futils.Futil.getReadDirFile("select a directory"); 
60           In.message("you selected:" + f.getAbsolutePath()); 
61       } 
62   }