- Page 59: At the top of the page, in class SpotLight: boolean spotPower =
power * 2 assigns a non-boolean value to spotPower.
- Page 59: Near the bottom of the page,
"The shadow method is the method that was overridden a subclass."
should read
"The shadow method is the method that was overridden in a subclass."
- Page 62: Paragraph 6.7 header should "The instanceof Keyword". This is
correct in the Table of Contents.
- Page 67: Items 5 and 10 are redundant.
- Page 73: Last sentence of paragraph 7.1 references "the Output class";
this should be "the Out class" to match the code beginning on page 72.
- Page 106: Second sentence of paragraph 9.1.2 reads " the Java code,
the a character is surrounded by single quotes..."; it should read
" the Java code, a character is surrounded by single quotes..."
(i.e. remove the second "the").
- Page 140: Item 3 should be initial capped to match the rest of the list.
- Page 141: Paragraph 12.1, fifth line, "Infact" should be "In fact".
- Page 144: At about the middle of the page, there is a paragraph saying
"LocalInnerClass cannot be public, private, protected, or static. Its
scope is limited to the life of the enclosing block of code. For
The example that follows is of an inner class, not a local inner class.
The code makes sense in context of
the following paragraph, but does not demonstrate
anything about local inner classes.
- Page 144-145: The static inner class Code is referred to subsequently
as ChainCode (2 places). It should read Chain.Code (the period was
removed for some reason).
- On page 171 of Java for Programmers, in method dequeue(), after the try...catch block, the method returns queue[+++tail % queue_size];
That should be ++tail.